1. Snow Peak Run Live Executive Series 2. Chinese Businesses Embrace SAP SuccessFactors Solutions to Create a Digital Workforce 3. Maximizing Sponsorship ROI with SAP Brand Impact
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Find out how outdoor gear retailer Snow Peak serves its customers better by tracking and analyzing their buying histories to make the most appropriate suggestions for future purchases, using a suite of solutions based on the SAP HANA platform, including SAP S/4HANA.
Seven companies from China and Taiwan join a rising number of the world's leading organizations that are taking advantage of SAP's global network of data centers to enable digital workforce strategies that can accommodate specific regional and local market requirements.
In an increasingly interactive entertainment industry, media is rapidly shifting from text to video, making it more difficult to measure return on investment for advertisers and content buyers.
Today, businesses are thriving to be data driven. Machine learning helps to measure, monitor, predict, and act on the pulse of the business in a continuous manner. Adjusting on the fly and failing fast is critical for better machine learning.
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